Beau Dodson

West Kentucky – South Illinois Weather

January 22, 2009: Winter storm developing for Monday into Wednesday

  Latest guidance is showing the potential for a significant winter storm developing across our region (KY/TN/IL) on Monday night and continuing through Wednesday.  At this time I am leaning towards an ice threat for West KY.  Amounts could be greater than 0.25".  Temperatures should remain Buying Lithium cold enough to keep most of the precipitation in the form of freezing rain and sleet.

  This storm is still five+ days away.  As we all know a lot can change in five days.  If the rain/snow line is three or four counties away on the order Paxil models tonight (which it is) then that makes it very difficult to make a call this far out.

  The potential for a major winter storm how to buy Plan B is increasing, however.


January 22nd, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | no comments

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